Leica M530 OHX Spine

For Neurosurgery, Spine & Plastic Reconstructive Surgery

Achieving the high standards of precision for your patients in cranial, spine, or plastic reconstructive surgery is your goal. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible support, to enable precise visualization and precise movement of your instruments. That is why we designed the M530 OHX surgical microscope to be your trusted OR assistant.

Innovative FusionOptics technology and xenon illumination provide an astoundingly surgical view. Working in the deep cavities typical of spine surgery is effortless thanks to smooth, accurate positioning and 600 mm working distance. And  when you need more visual data, simply activate FL800 vascular fluorescence and CaptiView image injection.

Precision comes standard in our M530 OHX, helping you achieve the highest standards of precision in your surgery.

The Technology of FusionOptics

See more with FusionOptics technology

FusionOptics, the groundbreaking technology from Leica Microsystems, unites an enhanced depth of field with high resolution to create an optimal view of the surgical field.

A larger area in full focus also means that there is less need to refocus the microscope which helps to streamline workflow.

The Technology of FusionOptics

  • Two separate optical paths
  • One optical path provides depth of field
  • The other provides high resolution
  • The brain merges the two images to a single optimal spatial image

Precision Optics

You often work in deep cavities. This is why we added a host of features to provide a bright, shadow-free view with enhanced depth of field and resolution. A clear view to the bottom of cavities supports your surgical actions.

  • 400-Watt xenon light and apochromatic optics combined with FusionOptics technology provide a bright, sharply focused image
  • Small Angle Illumination (SAI) distributes light more evenly and reduces shadows in deep, narrow cavities
  • Magnification Multiplier offers a 40% magnification boost (optional)
  • Independent fine focus for spine assistant

Precision Optics

You often work in deep cavities. This is why we added a host of features to provide a bright, shadow-free view with enhanced depth of field and resolution. A clear view to the bottom of cavities supports your surgical actions.

  • 400-Watt xenon light and apochromatic optics combined with FusionOptics technology provide a bright, sharply focused image
  • Small Angle Illumination (SAI) distributes light more evenly and reduces shadows in deep, narrow cavities
  • Magnification Multiplier offers a 40% magnification boost (optional)
  • Independent fine focus for spine assistant

Effortless positioning

Benefit from working comfort and positioning flexibility whatever the surgery, even in a crowded operating room. The M530 OHX microscope combines a compact footprint with superior overhead clearance and reach for cross-table spine set-ups, cranial, or plastic and reconstructive surgery.

An extensive range of movement

Electromagnetic brakes, internally routed cables, and an extensive range of movement in the optics carrier allow for effortless maneuvering.

Versatility built in

Versatility is built into the M530 OHX microscope. Leica Microsystems’ Open Architecture concept allows you to customize your microscope with the video and imaging options of your choice.

Simply upgrade when new technologies become available or your needs change.

Select from

  • HD 2D imaging and recording
  • 3D visualization
  • FL800 vascular fluorescence
  • CaptiView image injection

Integrated image injection

To make precise, confident decisions during neurosurgery, you often require additional information. With CaptiView image injection you can keep your eyes on your patient and still see all the supporting visual data you need – directly in your oculars.

  • View FL800 vascular fluorescence, microscope information or data from a number of leading IGS systems
  • 1080p full-HD display with LED backlight delivers bright, high-resolution, and high-contrast images
  • Benefit from an interruption-free workflow with one-touch activation via the microscope handgrip or footswitch

Image taken with CaptiVIew and showing neuronavigation software from Brainlab